Monday, August 24, 2020

Evaluate The United Kingdom Governments Sustainable Community Agenda Social Work Essay Essay Example

Assess The United Kingdom Governments Sustainable Community Agenda Social Work Essay Inside the United Kingdoms complex open strategies there are a horde of notices made to manageability, networks and advancement. Open approach shapers have an inclining to use the footings reasonable, networks and improvement in a persuasive way which has worked out as expected since 1997 with New Labor creating strategies to go to cultural rejection and advance network intelligence. Supportability has moved from being a conclusion to a need inside the urban condition. Dresner ( 2002 ) characterizes maintainable advancement as ?satisfies the needs of the present without trading off the capacity of future coevalss to run into their requests ( Dresner, 2002: 1 ) . Feasible people group can be characterized as topographic focuses where individuals need to populate and work, presently and in the great beyond. They fulfill the differing needs of bing and future tenants, are delicate to their condition, and add to a high caliber of life. They are sheltered and comprehensive, great arranged , fabricated and run, and offer equity of possibility and great administrations for all ( Cooper and Symes, 2009: 120 ) . We will compose a custom article test on Evaluate The United Kingdom Governments Sustainable Community Agenda Social Work Essay explicitly for you for just $16.38 $13.9/page Request now We will compose a custom article test on Evaluate The United Kingdom Governments Sustainable Community Agenda Social Work Essay explicitly for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Recruit Writer We will compose a custom exposition test on Evaluate The United Kingdom Governments Sustainable Community Agenda Social Work Essay explicitly for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Recruit Writer The reasons and points of this task are to look into and fundamentally measure the grounds based hypothesis following the Governments manageable networks plan, in add-on make comparings of good and awful maintainable networks The move towards adequate network commitment was featured in 1986 by the Ottawa Charter for Health Promotion. While it has been all around condemned for holding become a mantra ( Baum, 1989 ) it supplies a clear fear of the techniques of bring forthing sound metropoliss and networks. The sanction asked wellbeing segments to go to additional to fundamental health basicss, for example, cover, harmony, supplement, pay, guidance, stable biological systems, cultural justness and value, by focusing on methodology of protagonism, enablement and intercession, in addition on plans to build solid open approaches, engage networks, make steady situations and reorient health administrations towards health exposure ( Baum needs to happen page ) . In 1987 the World Commission on Environment and Development ( WCED ) study ?Our Common Future ( Brundtland Report ) featured the build of economical advancement straight into the head of authoritiess universally. There was expanding worry about the impact s of monetary improvement on health, regular assets and nature. In June 1992, the Rio Earth Summit pronounced that ?the privilege to improvement must be satisfied in order to evenhandedly run into formative and ecological requests of these days and future coevalss. Reasonable advancement is non only about the earth, it is other than about the financial framework and our general public. In April 2003, Sir John Egan directed a reappraisal to see the achievements expected to help present the vision and motivations behind the Sustainable Communities program. The choices of The Egan Review ( day of the month ) recognized that a typical point was required to introduce economical networks which would require non simply the expert achievements of arranging, engineering and studying. In add-on a wide extent of conventional achievements, conduct and perception, organization, monetary arranging, imparting, risk pickings, driving and association working ( Egan day of the month ) . These people group are capable and ready to move mutually to reveal shared qualities, rejuvenate their regions and even co deliver neighborhood administration. This use of ?network stays, all things considered, an incredible subject in cardinal authoritiess strategy programs. Plan 21 plainly expressed that an enemy of destitution plan ought to be a worked in part of any feasible improvement conspire. All things considered, a solid choice drawn from action concentrates in the UK ( notice ) is that LA21 has mainly been viewed as a bringing system for natural approach and has handled nearly barely any financial occupations. In 2000, the Government put another obligation on nearby governments to sort out network plans which advance and better the monetary, cultural and natural great being of their nations, and add to the achievement of practical improvement in the UK ( DETR, 2000 ) . Network plans can be viewed as the zenith of the yearnings and standpoints set on neighborhood governments to apply great vital course, given that they incorporate the requests to be breezy, and partner vision to activity, to be enduring, comprehensive and to coordinate the viewpoints and activities of an expansive collection of partners. ( Williams et al. , 2006: 59 ) Verifiably, nearby governments have worked under amazingly departmentalised and hierarchal developments sorted out by area, generally reflecting those of cardinal specialists. Arrangements will in general be created by single areas along these lines it might be proposed ( notice ) every now and again neglect to include cross cutting agendas, for example, LA21. Research recommend that there are similitudes among LA21 and network plans ( Tuxworth, 2001 ) , each piece great as a few contrasts ( Fisher, 1999 ; Pinfield and Saunders, 2000 ) . Apparently the two plans intend to equilibrate natural, cultural and financial contemplations inside the approach technique, in this manner underscoring association working and network commitment as the way frontward. In add-on both require a dream explanation unmistakably connected to an activity program and reason to mensurate the achievement of this against obviously characterized result based indexs. One distinction between the two plans comes fr om LA21s starting points as a universal approval, to attempt planetary issues from the neighborhood degree. Conversely, people group plans center totally around personal satisfaction issues at the neighborhood degree and are vaguely required to see the planetary effect of nearby movement. In a similar manner as Burningham and Thrush ( 2001 ) , the exploration proposes that consolidate strategy conceiving and bringing bodes well to nearby individuals, regardless of whether it is non communicated using this semantic correspondence. In fact, in monetarily denied and earth defiled networks, strategy officials, undertaking laborers and neighborhood individuals in like manner accept there is little sense in an approach agenda that does non take this assault. Nearby individuals are tired of being counseled again and again by various departments on a similar point, for example the great beyond of their nation, recovery, neighborhood administration bringing and other personal satisfaction issues. They are other than baffled by the storehouse ?which can be characterized as compartmentalization standpoint of segments and the way that the correct manus does non hope to cognize what the left manus is making. They perceive that, as an outcome, a significant number of their interest s neer get tended to in light of the fact that they fall through the spread in strategy conceiving footings and they feel that appreciated assets are often being squandered through copy of endeavor or unnecessarily barely focussed bringing agenda. Sir Michael sets out his vision for the great beyond of neighborhood specialists fixated on the build of ?place-forming, which he characterizes as ?the originative utilization of forces and impact to propel the general prosperity of a network and its residents ( Lyons 2007: 60 ) Using their capacity to pass on together nearby partners, each piece great as their financial and administrative assets, nearby governments must focus on building up a dream for their nations, and improve use of the forces available to them. Lyons urges Government to stop taking care of nearby governments as administration bringing natural structures and provokes neighborhood committees to be proactive rather than constantly seek the Center for direction and motivation. There is thusly much disarray about how the numerous techniques of commitment or network commitment in open strategy identify with the more extensive builds of vote based system, portrayal and approval. Research recommends ( notice ) that there has been one impossible to miss nation of disarray identifies with whether specialists proclamations on network approval propose a general transportation of capacity to nearby networks. For delineation, Barnes et Al. ( 2008 ) researched a figure of delineations of ?resident focused organization where neighborhood individuals cooperate ?to set up ones psyche how their expectations will be met and how open administrations can better their personal satisfaction ( Barnes et al. 2008: 1 ) . Barnes ( 2008 ) recognized this made an ?interwoven of organization understandings where assurance formulating is as often as possible not well characterized and to those non straight included, additionally there is uncertainness about whether residents are incl uded due to their single deduced cognizance or as agents of the more extensive network. The outcome might be that of participatory organization which can be characterized as organization that effectively looks for the incorporation of the individuals, especially the individuals who are oppressed and socially and monetarily avoided. Participatory organization empowers the commitment of the individuals who do non happen it simple to partake in area strategies. Along these lines the people may accomplish new achievements and entrances through collaborating with experts and chose individuals besides the nearby majority rule government turns out to be increasingly vivacious, seemingly however it can scarcely be guaranteed

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Bless Me Ultima Essay

Favor Me, Ultima, By Rudolfo Anaya is a moving anecdote about a kid who is the last any desire for his family and must settle on a culture and his own destiny. All through the book perusers perceives inferences to the Bible however essentially to the Holy Trinity. The Holy Trinity is a coalition of three standards, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Antonio has three religions that impact him and each are suggested the Trinity. The Father speaks to the Catholic religion and God, additionally the confidence he takes after. The Golden Carp insinuates the Son, and his direction of good and bad and Antonio’s ethical quality. The Holy Spirit is spoken to by Ultima and old curandera that looks like astuteness. By examination of the book Bless Me Ultima, Anya utilizes the implication of the Holy Trinity to presume that through knowledge, confidence, and profound quality a contention can be accommodated. All through the content, Rudolfo Anaya utilizes the reference of the Holy Spirit represents that when one just depends on insight a contention can't be settled. This end is affirmed when Tenorio has accused Ultima; who looks like intelligence and the Holy Spirit, for the loss of his kid. It isn't rumor,† Narciso argued, â€Å"he has accumulated his associates around him at the bar, he has filled them with bourbon throughout the day, and he has persuaded them to consume a witch! They please a witchhunt! † (Pg 128). The citizen’s dread of Ultima shows that he is utilizing the inference of the Holy Spirit and when Antonio just depends on one piece of his Holy Trinity he neglects to focus on settling his contention. At that point he before long gets himself and his family at serious risk. Antonio again just relies upon the insight Ultima supplies him, and afterward he understands an inward clash he has made subsequent to seeing a battle among Narciso and Andrew. Had I previously lost my guiltlessness? How? I had seen Lupito murdered†¦ I had seen Ultima’s cure†¦ I had seen the men come to hang her†¦ I had seen the horrendous battle just now†¦ I had seen and delighted in the magnificence of the brilliant carp! Goodness God! My spirit moaned and I believed that it would blast and I would kick the bucket clustered against the detestable house. How had I trespassed? (Pg 165). Proposing that Antonio has just inclined toward Ultima he ends up in a problem inside his societies in that he has been isolating his societies as opposed to making closeness between them. By just trusting in part of the Holy Trinity one needs to experience a social battle without it being accommodated. Various occasions in the content Anaya utilizes the mention of the Father in the Holy Trinity to clarify that when one just spotlights on trust a social clash won't be redressed. For instance, during one of Antonio’s dreams, he deciphers God as a kind of wickedness figure. â€Å"You stupid kid, God thundered, don’t you see you are trapped in your own snare! You would have a God who excuses all, yet with regards to your own impulses you look for discipline for your vengeance†¦ Vengeance is Mine! He yelled, not in any case your brilliant carp would surrender that power as a godâ€Å"(Pg 173). The way that God is shown as a terrible character in his fantasy unmistakably Anaya is utilizing suggestion inside the Holy Trinity in that it isn't sufficient to just partake in one area and might bring about questions like Antonio’s. Additionally, after the demise of Narciso, Antonio returns back to class and has numerous things going through his head. â€Å"I considered God and why he let such things happen†¦ Perhaps, I thought, God had not seen the homicide occur, and that’s is the reason He had not rebuffed Tenorio. Maybe God was excessively occupied in paradise to stress or care over us†(Pg 186-187). The creator utilizes the sentiment of uncertainty in confidence to show that when Antonio directs the confidence in his life he finishes with disappointment. This happens in light of the fact that Anaya utilizes reference inside the Holy Trinity to propose that on the off chance that you just respect the Father and the confidence where he speaks to one’s social clash won't stop. As Anaya utilizes the implication of the Son in the Holy Trinity it is obvious that lone restricting in profound quality finishes up to a social clash. Perusers experience this contention on different occasions all through the content. One explicit occasion is when Cico and Antonio are having a discussion about the Golden Carp and how Antonio might want to see the fish. â€Å"We have never taken a non-devotee to see him,† he said gravely. â€Å"But I need to accept, â€Å" I turned upward and argued, â€Å"it’s simply that I need to have confidence in Him? † (Pg 107). The creator insinuates the way of life of the Golden Carp to look like the Son in the Holy Trinity; one sees here that when Antonio negates his religion and just spotlights on his ethics. Likewise when Antonio says â€Å"Its simply that I need to have confidence in Him? † unmistakably confidence and shrewdness are not being considered in his choices and therefore, cause strife. Antonio’s ethics rise and fall all through the book as indicated by his three societies and the three sections in his Holy Trinity. At the point when he just depends on ethical quality we find that he is lost inside himself. While Antonio is with Cico and they are trusting that the Golden Carp will show one of Antonio’s companions, Florence, bites the dust in the water. Soon thereafter he has a fantasy where all that he had lived for is presently being executed around him. â€Å"Look! He highlighted the river where Cico lay in hang tight for the brilliant carp. At the point when the brilliant carp showed up Cico hit with his lance and the water ran blood red† (Pg 244). Through the mention of the Son this entry and the similarity of the Golden Carp being murdered shows that on the off chance that one is excessively solid in one segment of the Holy Trinity it is nothing more than a bad memory. When Cico murders the Golden Carp it reasons that Antonio can't oblige his three societies by keeping them independent and not consolidated. It is evident that the most ineffectual approach to accommodate a social clash is just implying one of the three constituents of the Holy Trinity. By intently looking at Anaya’s use in reference, plainly the best method to deal with social clashes is to have confidence in ethical quality, intelligence, and confidence. Antonio’s struggle is a consequence of not brushing the three pieces of the Holy Trinity. While he is in chapel he is tuning in to the cleric talk. â€Å"How numerous people are there in one God? † he proceeded. â€Å"Three. The Father, the child, and the Holy Ghost† (Pg 199). The creator decides to truly say that a God can't work without the three primary parts. This shows similarity in Antonio’s life when he attempts to keep Catholicism, The Golden Carp, and Ultima every single separate piece. He questions in the event that he can join or make goals for his contention yet dithers to make a move. â€Å"Does one need to pick? † I inquired. â€Å"Is it conceivable to have both? †(Pg 238). This shows Antonio perceives his concern and begins to associate with every one of the three pieces of the Trinity, wishing they could all are one, and not understanding he has the ability to do as such. Through the intensity of the Holy Trinity, (God, The Golden Carp, and Ultima) Antonio arrives at the resolution to accommodate his social battles. â€Å"‘Take the llano and the waterway valley, the moon and the ocean, God, and the brilliant carp-and make something new, I said to myself. That is what Ultima implied by building quality from life†¦ Papa, I asked, Can another religion be made? †(Pg. 247). Anaya endeavors to rouse the peruser by delineating that inside harmony one can join their societies and make another one. To finish up in Antonio’s battle inside himself it is inescapable that one can beat a social fight by dependence of confidence, astuteness, and ethical quality. The Holy Trinity doesn't work if all parts aren’t associated. In Antonio’s life, the main way he would become effective it to consolidate and control his three societies into one, failing to let one over force the other. In Bless Me, Ultima; one can see a reoccurrence of similarity to the Trinity and numerous other Bible references. Rudolfo Anaya recommends that one has the ability to do anything with knowledge, confidence, and profound quality in his or hers heart.

Friday, July 24, 2020

The 10 Best Top 100 Books Lists

The 10 Best Top 100 Books Lists While we at the Riot take some time off to rest and catch up on our  reading, were re-running some of our  favorite posts from the last several months. Enjoy our highlight reel, and well be back with new stuff on Monday, January 6th. This post originally ran July 10, 2013. _________________________ A few weeks ago, Rioter-in-Chief Jeff ONeals From Zero To Well-Read in 100 Books post nearly brought the internet crashing down. People were very, very angry, and other people (me included) were very, very bemused by those people who were very, very angry. And that wasnt even, technically, a Top 100 list! But it did inspire Kits post on why best of lists get us all so revved up. My own take on that question is this: I love books, and Im used to being an authority. And if I dont know you very well, and therefore dont deem you credible, your opinion is much wrong-er than mine. And that makes me Hulk-smash angry! But, when reasonable minds prevail, these lists are a TON of fun to think about. What makes a great Top 100 list, in my view, is one that includes four criteria: 1) Plenty to agree with. 2) A few wild card picks that make you think, Ah, yeah, good call, I wouldnt have thought of that, but yeah! 3) A few that are sketchy at best, or that youre reasonably sure you can make an argument against, and 4) A few that make you mad. So, after hours combing the Web, here are the 10 of the best top 100 book lists: 10.   TIMEs List of of the 100 Best Novels â€"Though its very American-centric, and only includes books published after 1923 (so no  Ulysses) this is one of my favorite lists â€" and one I refer to it much more frequently than the Modern Library list (No. 3, below). It includes a smattering of much more popular novels, like Neuromancer, by William Gibson and  Snow Crash, by Neal Stephenson, and more recent novels (the list was published in 2005) like Zadie Smiths White Teeth, Margaret Atwoods The Blind Assassin, and Philip Roths American Pastoral. 9. Book Riots 100 Greatest Novels 1893-1993 â€" Rioter-in-Chief Jeff ONeal published this list just last week, and he specifically lays out the criteria for why novels are included, and why he picked that particular 100-year range. Whats most interesting about Jeffs list is that he allows only one title per novelist â€" so, for instance, Hemingways The Sun Also Rises makes the cut, but nary a A Farewell To Arms. 8. The Guardians Top 100 Bestselling Books of All Time (in the UK) â€" This list is based on Nielsen Bookscan data, which most people who know about such things, agree isnt a perfectly accurate representation of total books sold. But I bet if we could magically count all the book sold, the same titles would appear in the Top 10, wouldnt you think? It would be interesting to know how this list compares to a U.S. list, also. But, again, Id imagine the Top 10 would be pretty similar. (And then insert joke about Fifty Shades being surrounded by Harry Potter books.) 7. The Entertainment Weekly 100 Greatest Novels Ever â€" This list appeared in the July 5/12, 2013 print issue of the magazine. I love it because it includes things like Billy Lynns Long Halftime Walk (at No. 54) directly adjacent to Gone With The Wind (at No. 53). Also, it includes Atlas Shrugged at No. 36. You can do with that information whatever you want. Its No. 1 is Anna Karenina, which wouldnt be most readers pick, Id guess, but its in the conversation. 6. The 100 Most Influential Books of All Time â€" This fascinating list is actually a book itself, published in 1998, by British poet and critic Martin Seymour-Smith. Its heavy (in a lot of ways) with theology and philosophy, natch, and includes nothing more recent than 1971, so Im not sure this list will inspire quite the arguments as other lists. But it would be fun to say things at parties like The Enneads? More like the SNOREneads, amirite? 5. The 100 Favorite Novels of Librarians â€" Who has more credibility about good novels than librarians? Pride and Prejudice, by Jane Austen, lands at No. 1, here â€" a worthy choice, yes? And I could not be happier that A Prayer For Owen Meany, by John Irving cracks the top 10 here. And Kings The Stand at No. 9? YES! 4. 100 Major Works of Modern Creative Nonfiction â€" Eschewing nonfiction lists from  Modern Library, TIME Magazine, and The Guardian, I like this nonfiction list best. It includes Bill Bryson and David Sedaris â€" and thats never a bad thing. 3. The Modern Library Best 100 Novels of the 20th Century â€" Ah, the venerable one. Since it first appeared in 1998, this list has inspired more attempts to systematically conquer it than just about any other list of things that can be systematically conquered in all of history. I mean, why else have so many people not working on a doctorate in Irish Lit attempted to read Ulysses? While this list does seem a tad stuffy and dated these days, its a paragon compared to the abomination that is the companion Readers List. You have to giggle at any list that includes Battlefield Earth at No. 3 â€" presumably the Scientologists voted early and often, as there are two other L. Ron titles in the Top 10! (Side note: The companion Radcliffes Rival 100 Best Novels List is quite interesting as well â€" it was developed as a response to the Modern Library list.) 2. Goodreads Top 100 Literary Novels Of All Time â€" Voted on by readers (as opposed to developed by critics), this list is similar to the Modern Library list in a lot of ways â€" with the notable exception that its of all time instead of 20th century. And its more current â€" I love it because it includes Infinite Jest at No. 41. 1. Top 100 Works In World Literature â€" If youve thought the Top 100 lists to this point were too English-centric, youre absolutely right. So, to top off this list of lists, here is a list developed in 2002 that includes the best 100 novels from all over the world. Writers from China, Spain, Japan, Canada, Egypt, Germany, Brazil, and many other countries are represented on this list. Its really great! Though the editors didnt rank the novels, they did reveal that Don Quixote received the most votes. (Heres one more Top 100 world literature list â€" this one developed by teachers. And heres a great list of the Top 25 foreign language novels.) _________________________ Sign up for our newsletter to have the best of Book Riot delivered straight to your inbox every two weeks. No spam. We promise. To keep up with Book Riot on a daily basis, follow us on Twitter, like us on Facebook, , and subscribe to the Book Riot podcast in iTunes or via RSS. So much bookish goodnessall day, every day. Sign up to Unusual Suspects to receive news and recommendations for mystery/thriller readers.

Friday, May 22, 2020

Differential Effects of American Destabilization Policy...

Differential Effects of American Destabilization Policy in Chile in the 1970s and Cuba in the 1990s Just three years after taking office in 1970, Chile’s military removed the leftist President Salvador Allende from power. In Cuba, nearly forty years after his ascension to power in 1959, Fidel Castro continues to control a communist regime. In Chile in the early 1970s and in Cuba in the early 1990s, the United States exasperated severe economic crises. In addition, the United States attempted to foster political opposition to create ‘coup climates’ to overthrow both leaders. The similarities in these histories end there. Chile’s open, democratic political system allowed the U.S. to polarize the nation, paving the way for Pinochet’s†¦show more content†¦businesses created two thirds of the $1.6 in foreign investment, and two U.S. copper corporations alone controlled 80 percent of the Chilean copper industry. Under their destabilization strategy, the U.S. undertook economic measures designed to make the Chilean economy â€Å"scream.à ¢â‚¬  The Nixon administration sought to terminate and reduce financing for U.S. exports and guarantees for corporate investment, lobby private investors to curb economic interests, bring â€Å"maximum feasible influence on the multilateral banks to cut their lending to Chile,† terminate bilateral economic aid programs, and dump U.S. copper holdings onto the international market, and lower prices. In addition to implementing direct economic measures, the Nixon administration also used its influence to affect the policies of international economic players. For example, â€Å"US officials worked behind the scenes to assure† that the World Bank denied 21 million livestock improvement credit and future loans to Chile. The U.S. also blocked negotiations, and putting pressure against Chile in the Paris Club debt negotiations regarding the $1 billion debt that the Frei government had run up in U.S. banks. In sum, these policies were effective. In 1970, loans to Chile were cut from $46 million to $2 million by the IDB, $31 million to $0 by thy World Bank, $110 million to $3 million in bilateral U.S. assistance by the AID, and $280 million to $0 by the Export-Import bank. This significant

Thursday, May 7, 2020

Performance Management And Selection Management - 1460 Words

Two HR Systems. 1. Performance management and selection 2. Strategic Reward Management. Performance Management Performance management is a process where the full complement of owners, managers and employees work in unison to achieve the best result for the organization. One annual performance review does not constitute performance management. Continuous improvement is the desired goal and this can be achieved by setting specified organizational objectives, allocating these to specified employees and then by management continually reviewing progress made providing the necessary guidance and feedback when employees err, and by ensuring that the employees themselves are attaining their desired goals and objectives.(†¦show more content†¦He goes on to provide an easy guide to managing performance, 1. Identify the problem 2. Assess and Analyze the Problem 3. Meet with the Employee in question and discuss the problem 4. Devise a solution with the employee 5. Monitor Performance ( Managers need to be aware of factors that can improve current performance management processes. †¢ Strategy –HR departments need to focus on how they can better support staff to achieve optimal behavioural patterns while supporting the company’s overall strategy. †¢ Simplicity- By keeping processes simple, you reduce red tape and unnecessary time consuming process that add very little value to the organization. †¢ Review Feedback- Thoroughly review all employee feedback that is received during the performance review as this becomes a critical element in performance management. †¢ Management Competency- Equipping managers to be fluent in the requirements of performance management is essential to ensure optimal levels of accountability are achieved and maintained.(Human capital matters)[1] The HR council of California says that performance management objectives and measurements need to follow the SMART principal, namely †¢ Specific

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Parents Teen Relationship Free Essays

Parent-Teen Relationships Analysis Our survey was about parent teen’s relationship and how close they are with each other. We survey 100 students in our school which fifty of them were male and other fifty were female. We had 9 questions which were about who they living with and how open they are with their parents. We will write a custom essay sample on Parents Teen Relationship or any similar topic only for you Order Now My three survey questioners are ‘are they are closer to their mother or Father’, ‘who they are more comfortable to talk’, and ‘being more open with parents would have positive or negative effects on their relationship. ’ Question #4 The result shows that teenagers are closer to their mothers rather than their fathers. The graph shows that 77 percents of students are closer to their mother which 48 percent of them are Female and 29 percents of them are Male. Most of the teenagers are close to their mother rather than their Father because she is the one who is there and will listen to you and knows your needs, but father is at work most of the time. Mother spend a great deal of time with their children get to know them better and become more sensitive to their need. Fathers and mother interact differently with their children. Father tends to be more physically engaged and less emotional with their children than mothers are. Girls are closer to their mother because they are from same gander and wouldn’t feel comfortable to talk about their physical issues with their father. In this survey 21 percent were closer to their father because they think that they understand each other better and fell comfortable to talk about their issues. Question #5 The results show that teenagers are most comfortable talking to their mothers and friends than their fathers. The graph shows that 47 percent of students are most comfortable talking to their mother which 29 percent of them are Female and 18 percent of them are Male. However, 15 percent of them are most comfortable talking to their father which 11 percent of them are male and 4 percent of them are Female. Other 38 percent are most comfortable talking to their friends which 21 percent of them are Male and 17 percent of them are Female. Communication with their children seems to be the bridge to a good and healthy relationship between moms and their children. The most important part of communication for moms is listening. Most of the students are comfortable talk to their mother because she is the one who is there when they have problem and always listen to them. She tries to understand them and give them good advices not punish them for what they had done. Also, mother will support their children emotionally and girls are more comfortable talking to their mother about their problems and emotional stuff. Some of the boys are comfortable to talk with their father because they think that he will understand them better and knows their need as a man. Furthermore, most of the students are more comfortable talking to their friends because they are at same age and might have or had same issues and problems as they have. Other reason is that they think that their parents wouldn’t understand them and they might not have close relationship or scared of talking about something they did wrong. Question #9 Most of the students think that being more open with their parents would have positive effects on their relationship. 78 percent of the students said yes and only 22 percent of them said no. ttp://fatherhood. about. com/od/dadsandteens/a/teen_friends_2. htm Communication with their children seems to be the bridge to a good and healthy relationship between moms and their children. The most important part of communication for moms is listening. Many times moms are in too big of a hurry to speak and less interested in listening. The way to learn is to listen. Children learn from moms as well as moms learn from children. It is not al ways easy for a mom to listen in a busied life nevertheless listening is sometimes the most important. Take the time to stop and listen to what your child has to say it will be a precious moment that can be turned into a precious memory. Moms need to be consistent with children. Children learn to trust this way. A mom says something it is important to follow through with that statement. Whether it be a boundary for a child (where they can go, curfews) or a special time and day set aside for them. Consistency is an everyday thing that will go on through the life of the child. They trust boundaries that are set for them and look forward to the time they get with mom. As children grow and have ideas of their own, it is important for moms to keep communicating and listening to their children. There are different needs in children as they grow and change and it is important for moms to recognize their changes and needs with an open mind and a lot of understanding. Sometimes tough love is a hard thing to for moms but a much-needed thing in children’s lives. And my mum because she’s my emotional support. She’s a female like me, so we talk about anything. She’s there to cry to.. It’s very effective. Children feel closer to parents who treat them like friends and listen to them more than those who rule by fear. When you treat your child like a friend, he/she will confide everything in you and this way can be saved from doing a lot of stuff that could be harmful for them or get them into trouble. Being a friend to your kid makes them feel closer to you, and protect them from outside influences that may be attractive but may get them into trouble. How to cite Parents Teen Relationship, Papers

Monday, April 27, 2020

Software Requirement Specification free essay sample

The description and overview of everything included in this SRS document is explained here. Also, the purpose for this document is described and a list of abbreviations and definitions is provided. 1. 1 Purpose The purpose of this document is to give a detailed description of the requirements for the †Department Attendance and CPE Management† software. It will illustrate the purpose and complete declaration for the development of system. This document is primarily intended to be proposed to the CSE department’s office staff and the staff-in-charge for CPE management. Scope The †Department Attendance and CPE Management† is a Computer based software system which is capable of the following : 1) The CPE management system has in it the details about the conferences that are organised in the college, the conferences attended by the students or staff from SSN and also the details of the Guest Lectures that took place. 2) It keeps track of the conference title, the type of conference, the type of participants, sponsor and resource person of conferences organised in the college. We will write a custom essay sample on Software Requirement Specification or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page On demand, the system can generate details such as number of workshops organised within a period, number of conferences organised for students/ staff/ both and other required reports. 4) The attendance system monitors the attendance record of all the students in the department period wise. The system also maintains period wise accumulation of attendance of all students in each subject. 5) This system keeps track of marks obtained by students in each of the Unit Tests in all subjects. The records are maintained for all three Unit Test cycles. The system includes features that can generate reports such as class wise Unit Test mark sheets, period wise accumulation of attendance on demand. 1. 3 Definitions, acronyms, and abbreviations Term Definition Admin/Administrator System administrator who is given specific permission for managing and controlling the specific part of the system. CPE Management Keeping track of different conferences, workshops and guest lectures attended or organized by staff and students Student Attendance The attendance and mark details of each student in the department DACM system Department Attendance and CPE Management 1. 4 References [1]IEEE Software Engineering Standards Committee, â€Å"IEEE Std 830-1998, IEEE Recommended Practice for Software Requirements Specifications†, October 20, 1998. [2] Pressman, Roger (2010). Software Engineering: A Practitioners Approach. Boston: McGraw Hill. 1. 5 Overview A general description, including characteristics of the users of this project, the products hardware, and the functional and data requirements of the product is portrayed in the Overview. General description of the project is discussed in section 2 of this document. Section 3 gives the functional requirements, data requirements and constraints and assumptions made while designing the system. Section 3 also gives the specific requirements of the product, external interface requirements and gives detailed description of functional requirements. 2. Overall description An overview of the whole system is given here. The system is explained in its context to show how the system interacts with other systems and introduce the basic functionality of it. It will also describe what type of stakeholders who will use the system and what functionality is available for each type. 2. 1. Product perspective This Department Attendance and CPE Management system will be a package used by the Department of CSE to improve the efficiency in maintaining the attendance and mark database of the students and facilitating in keeping track of conferences, workshops and guest lectures attended and organised by staff or students. 2. 1. 1. User interfaces The DACM system will be placed available to the office staff and the staff-in-charge with separate login so as not to end up in chaos. There will be a login page which will prevent unauthorized use. 2 An interface for managing and updating student marks and attendance will be available to the office staff after authentication. Reports can also be generated via the interface. 3 The CPE management system to be managed by the staff-in-charge after authentication will have an interface to update details about conferences organized by the department, conferences attended by staff and guest lectures delivered by staff. Reports can be generated periodically via the interface. 2. 1. 2. Hardware interfaces The DACM system is intended to be platform independent. Therefore no specific hardware is excluded. But it will at least work on x86 systems without any additional porting efforts. There is a necessity of a printer if a hard copy of the reports is needed. Moreover, no special hardware is needed for software operation. 2. 1. 3. Software interfaces The DACM system is intended to be operating system independent. Therefore no specific operating system is excluded. Databases would be configured using SQL and the front end will be designed using Java. Memory constraints This DACM system is expected to use no more than 512 MB of RAM and 100 MB of external storage. 2. 2. Product functions With this software system, the management of student attendance and mark details by the department’s office and the CPE management by the staff-in-charge will be hassle-free. Updates are done on a button-click and the reports are available instantly. Any sort of information can be gathered with a great ease. 2. 3. User characteristics There are two types of users who use this system. Staff-In-Charge :The department staff who uses this system to keep track of the events organized and attended by staff and students of the department and generates reports for a particular period. 2 Office Staff:The office staff who inputs the system with the student details, Unit Test marks and periodical attendance and generates reports for a particular period. 2. 4. Constraints The Network connection is a constraint for the application. Since the application fetches data from the database over the same network, it is crucial that there is a network connection preferably a LAN connection for the application to function. Further the capacity of the database also affects the system since the database is shared between both applications it may be forced to queue incoming requests and therefore increase the time it takes to fetch data. 3. Specific Requirements The functional and quality requirements of the system are described here. It gives a detailed description of the system and all its features. 3. 1 External interface requirements The DACM system will use the standard input/output devices for a personal computer. This includes the following: Keyboard Mouse Monitor Printer 3. 2 Functional Requirements Functional requirements define the fundamental actions that system must perform. The functional requirements for the system are divided into two main categories 1 Department Attendance Management: a The system after authentication can collect information of students such as i Student Register Number ii Student Name iii Student Class (Semester) and Section iv Subjects v Unit Test Marks vi Attendance b The office staff will also be capable of updating these details especially, the marks and attendance. Required type of reports for each class or student can be generated depending on the constraints specified by the office staff. 2 CPE management: a The staff-in-charge after authentication can enter information about the conferences, seminars and workshops organised in the college. b The staff-in-charge can then add entries whenever staff have attended these events in other institutions or have delivered guest lectures in other institutions. c Provisions for generating periodic reports based on staff and students are also available. 3. 3 Non Functional Requirements Non Functional requirements define the needs in terms of performance, logical database requirements, design constraints, standards compliance, reliability, availability, security, maintainability, and portability. 3. 3. 1 Performance Requirements Performance requirements define acceptable response times for system functionality. The system developed must comply with the following non-functional requirements: 1 The load time for user interface screens shall take no longer than two seconds. 2 The log in information shall be verified within five seconds. 3 Queries shall return results within five seconds. Software Quality Attributes. The graphical user interface of the DACM system is to be designed with usability as the first priority. The application will be presented and organized in a manner that is both visually appealing and easy for the user to navigate. There will be feedbacks and visual cues such as notifications to inform users of updates. 3. 3. 3 Fault Tolerance The system is designed to tolerate faults to certain extent. Improper data such as wrong username or password is acceptable up to 3 times after which the system will be locked for 10 minutes. 3. 3. Security Requirements Security of the system is guarded primarily through proper authorization. The system is resistant to hackers as it cannot be hacked through brute-force and such other attacks. 3. 3. 5 Platform constraints The DACM system shall run in any Microsoft Windows/Linux environment that contains Java Runtime and the SQL database. 3. 3. 6 Logical Database requirements Since this system handles voluminous data for numerous students, the database plays a major role in determining the system security and performance. SQL database will be used to store and retrieve the information. Software Requirement Specification free essay sample Students to several process modeling techniques for representing business processes. Although this chapter focuses primarily on data flow diagramming, brief overviews of functional hierarchy modeling and Oracle’s process modeler are given. After a brief introduction to process modeling, data flow diagramming techniques are introduced in a section called â€Å"Data Flow Diagramming Mechanics. † This section demonstrates the basic DFD symbols, definitions, and rules. The authors use the Gane and Sarson symbol set throughout the book, and these symbols are explained in this section. Hoosier Burger, the food ordering system first mentioned in Chapter 2, is used to illustrate basic data flow diagramming concepts. This section also includes explanations of decomposition and balancing. Chapter 8’s third major section introduces four different types of DFDs: current physical, current logical, new logical, and new physical. Hoosier Burger’s inventory control system (which is manual) is used to illustrate the first three types of DFDs. Current practice in using DFDs indicates that very little time should be spent on the current physical DFD. We will write a custom essay sample on Software Requirement Specification or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page The fourth major section in this chapter, â€Å"Using Data Flow Diagramming in the Analysis Process,† introduces guidelines for drawing and using DFDs. This is different from the mechanical rules presented earlier. Topics include completeness, consistency, timing, iterative development, primitive DFDs, and analyzing DFDs for system inefficiencies and discrepancies among DFDs that are supposed to be modeling the same system. A Hoosier Burger example helps illustrate these guidelines. The â€Å"Oracle’s Process Modeler and Functional Hierarchy Diagrams† section introduces students to two other process modeling tools. These tools are Oracle Designer’s process modeler and functional hierarchy modeling, a tool found in several CASE products. In this section, the authors show how to prepare basic process models and functional hierarchy diagrams. Additionally, the authors compare and contrast Oracle’s process models to data flow diagramming. In the last section of this chapter, the authors’ overview process modeling for Internet-based electronic commerce applications. As they explain, process modeling for Internet-based electronic commerce applications does not differ from more traditional applications development projects. Instructional Objectives Specific student learning objectives are included at the beginning of the chapter. From an instructor’s point of view, the objectives of this chapter are to: 1. Show how to logically model processes with data flow diagrams. 2. Teach students data flow diagram symbols and the mechanical rules necessary to create accurate, well-structured process models. 3. Show students how to decompose data flow diagrams into lower-level diagrams. For people who are not familiar with data flow diagrams, the students should find that it is relatively easy to show them that data flow diagrams are a better way to model processes. Chances are that this person’s original picture already has many of the elements of a standard data flow diagram anyway. Research has found that process modeling is a very natural activity for most people, even when they are not formally trained in this technique.

Thursday, March 19, 2020

The Failures Of Affirmative Action Essays - Social Inequality

The Failures Of Affirmative Action Essays - Social Inequality The Failures of Affirmative Action Audience: US Congress Once upon a time, there were two people who went to an interview for only one job position at the same company. The first person attended a prestigious and highly academic university, had years of work experience in the field and, in the mind of the employer, had the potential to make a positive impact on the companies performance. The second person was just starting out in the field and seemed to lack the ambition that was visible in his opponent. Who was chosen for the job?, you ask. Well, if the story took place before the mid-sixties, the answer would be obvious. However, with the adoption of the social policy known as affirmative action, the answer becomes unclear. After the United States passed the Civil Rights Act of 1964, it became apparent that certain business traditions, such as seniority status and aptitude tests, prevented total equality in employment. Therefore, president Lyndon Johnson decided to do something to remedy these flaws. In 1965 he issued an ex! ecutive order that required federal contractors to take "affirmative action" to ensure that applicants are employed?without regard to their race, creed, color, or national origin. When LBJ signed that order, he enacted one of the most discriminating pieces of legislature in the history of the United States. Affirmative action was created in an effort to help minorities leap the discriminative barriers that were prevalent when the bill was first enacted, in 1965. At this time the country was in the wake of nation wide civil-rights demonstrations, and racial tensions was at its peak. White males, who controlled the hiring and firing of employees, occupied most of the corporate and managerial positions. The US government believed that these employers were discriminating against minorities and believed that there was no better time than the present to bring about change. When the civil rights law passed, minorities, especially African-Americans believed they should receive retribution for the years of discrimination they had endured. The government responded by passing laws to aid them in attaining better employment as reprieve for the previous two-hundred years of suffering their race endured at the hands of the white man. To many, this made sense. Supporters of affirmative action asked, "Why not let the government help them get better jobs, after all the white man was responsible for their suffering". While all this may be true, there is another question to be asked. Are we truly responsible for the years of persecution that African-Americans were submitted to? The answer is yes and no. It is true that the white man is partly responsible for the suppression of the African-American race. However, the individual white male is not. It is just as unfair and suppressive to hold many white males responsible for past persecution now as it was to discriminate against many African-Americans in the generations before. Why should an honest, hard working, open minded, white male be suppressed, today, for past injustice? Affirmative action accepts the idea of an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth. Do two wrongs make a right? Affirmative action supporters make one large assumption when defending the policy. They assume that minority groups want help. This, however, may not always be the case. It is my belief that they fought to attain equality, not special treatment. To them, the acceptance of special treatment is an admittance of inferiority. They ask," Why can't I become successful on my own? Why do I need laws to help me get a job?" African-Americans want to be treated as equals, not incompetents. Thousands of white males, who do not discriminate, are being punished because of those who do. The Northern Natural Gas Company of Omaha, Nebraska was forced by the government to release sixty-five white male workers to make room for minority employees in 1977. Five major Omaha corporations reported that the number of white managers fell 25% in 1969 due to restrictions put on them when affirmative action was adopted. You ask," What did these white males do to bring about their termination?" The only crime that they were guilty of was being white. It hardly seems fair to punish so many innocent men for the crimes

Tuesday, March 3, 2020

A Short Comma Quiz

A Short Comma Quiz A Short Comma Quiz A Short Comma Quiz By Mark Nichol Here are five sentences that, through poor punctuation, lead readers astray. Determine how to punctuate them correctly, and then compare your solutions with the ones in the paragraph below each example. 1. â€Å"Now there’s a formula for disaster.† As written, this statement reads like a pitch to be followed by an exclamation point (or inflected as if there is one) in a commercial or an advertisement for a new product: a disaster formula. To correctly communicate that the sentence is a commentary on an ill-advised proposal, the introductory adverb should be set off from the rest of the sentence by a comma: â€Å"Now, there’s a formula for disaster.† (Of course, in context, the latter meaning will be clear, but the comma is still required; it’s a signal that the emphasis is on there. In the pitch, the speaker would emphasize now.) 2. â€Å"United States bombs hotel killing three journalists.† This newspaper headline conjures an image of a rampaging journalist-killing hotel halted, Godzilla-style, by the intervention of US bomber planes. What it means, however, is that US forces accidentally bombed a hotel, resulting in the deaths of three journalists. This meaning is clarified by the simple insertion of a sentence separating the clauses describing cause and effect: â€Å"United States bombs hotel, killing three journalists.† 3. â€Å"The next antiwar demonstration scheduled on April 7 may take aim at companies.† By omitting commas from this sentence, the writer implies that of a series of antiwar demonstrations being sequentially scheduled on April 7, the next one may focus its attention on companies. However, â€Å"scheduled on April 7† is intended as a parenthetical statement (one that could be omitted with no loss of sense), so it must be set off by commas: â€Å"The next antiwar demonstration, scheduled on April 7, may take aim at companies.† 4. â€Å"The corporation’s waterfront plan is criticized by the deputy attorney general who says it violates land-use laws.† This sentence prompts the same misunderstanding as the previous one: the implication that multiple things (or, in this case, people) exist when the writer intends to refer to only one. The false impression that of two or more deputy attorney generals, only one has voiced the stated criticism is eliminated by insertion of a comma: â€Å"The corporation’s waterfront plan is criticized by the deputy attorney general, who says it violates land-use laws.† 5. â€Å"You’ll get a coveted window card autographed by the cast and other memorabilia.† Readers of this sentence might believe that not only the cast but also other memorabilia will autograph the coveted window card. To clarify, however, that the memorabilia will not participate in the signing (but will be provided along with the card signed by the cast), a comma must be inserted; note, too, that I’ve replaced the simple conjunction and with plus, which helps distance the closing phrase from the rest of the sentence: â€Å"You’ll get a coveted window card autographed by the cast, plus other memorabilia.† (â€Å"As well as† would serve the same function.) Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Punctuation category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:Math or Maths?Does "Mr" Take a Period?Drama vs. Melodrama

Saturday, February 15, 2020

Management and Marketing Strategies Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Management and Marketing Strategies - Case Study Example In this regard, Sunhuan Holdings LTD is a construction company in Singapore that deserves to be considered for the award given their exemplary management and marketing strategies performance and their great contribution in the economic growth of the country. Sunhuan Holdings LTD Business Model, Productivity, and Innovation Viability and Sustainability of the Business Model Sunhuan Construction Company in Singapore has demonstrates high-level viability coupled with sustainability of their business in the competitive industry. The industry throughout its existence has demonstrated the need to satisfy the needs of their customers in the most sustainable ways possible, for instance, the company has shown flexibility and adaptability in satisfying the diverse demands of their customers to the extent of changing their models over time. Currently, the company has complied with all the standardizations that are required to be complied with by the construction companies in Singapore, in their QEHS policy, the company pledges to be provide within budget and time quality services and products to their customers. Furthermore, the company has shown sheer commitment in satisfying the needs of their customers by availing to them different tastes of constructions that has perfectly fit into the demands of the customers. There have also been several architectural designs that the company has been providing to the clients because of their investment in the designs and structural organization of building that has shown more clients opting for the company. Additionally, the construction company does provide for all kinds of buildings, they have shown specialization to all requirements of the customers from offices to residential buildings, besides this, the company has adopted the contemporary building requirements that requires buildings to be sustainable in their own . They have fully complied with the green building requirements and some of the aspects that are considered by th e company when doing their construction in pursuit of sustainability includes; enabling the house to use natural lights thus avoiding extra use of power during the day. The houses build by the company are designed such they are able to utilize natural light during the day and there is no need lighting, their also water conservation by the buildings that are constructed by the company, the water that is harvested by the buildings constructed by the company can be used for irrigating the nearby surroundings. The buildings constructed by the company are thus mindful of the cost that should be incurred while operating in the buildings, the occupants thus finds their construction economical for use. The kind of flexibility and adaptability that has been established by the company makes them to be way ahead of other companies in coping with the economic needs of their customers and they are worth being considered for the award. Plans to Expand, Improve, and Adapt the Current Business Mode l Concerning the Sunhan Construction Company plans for expansion, they have projected to engage in building construction in most of the countries around the world. The company has decided to go global and be an international company in

Sunday, February 2, 2020

Court Stucture in United States Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Court Stucture in United States - Essay Example Usually a complaint is filed in the district court which is also known as the trial court. When the case is heard and a decision is rendered one can appeal that decision within thirty days of receiving the final order of the trial court. The decision is also known as a judgment. The purpose of the appeal is to get the decision of the lower court reversed. Here, some sort of legal error must be demonstrated. Because there is no higher jurisdiction, once the court of appeals has heard the case, there is no more appellate relief to be had. This piece is strictly the court system. The rules governing the court system are set forth in the procedural codes which are creatures of statute. Every criminal case has two components. They are the actus reus and the mens rea. This assignment asks me to define only the mens rea. Mens rea is the "intent level" of a crime which must be proven to sustain a conviction of the crime. It must be met, or the prosecution has utterly failed to meet its' burden and the case must be dismissed against a defendant. These terms relate to policing and the courts. They relate to policing because it is really the police officer who initially determines what the arresting charge will be. Ultimately, the court will decide if the evidence presented will withstand a motion to dismiss the charge.

Saturday, January 25, 2020

The Research and Development of the High Altitude Sleeping System: HASS :: Essays Papers

The Research and Development of the High Altitude Sleeping System: HASS Abstract Various negative physiological effects of sleeping at high elevations increase dramatically above 12,000 feet. These effects include dehydration, hypothermia, susceptibility to respiratory tract infection, high altitude sleep apnea, severe fatigue, and other ailments of varying severity. Until now, technology has done very little to address these problems. Working in the University of Colorado at Boulder’s Biological Altitude Testing Laboratory, undergraduate David de la Garza and I developed a High Altitude Sleeping System called HASS. HASS is a lightweight, inexpensive, and easy‑to‑use device that can drastically reduce or even prevent many of the maladies noted above. This project sets out the research, design, and fielding‑testing of a working prototype of HASS. What happens to the body when people breathe at higher elevations? On high mountains, the air is cold and completely dry. As inhaled air passes through the nose or mouth, it is warmed and humidified, sucking both heat and water from the body, and these are not recovered during exhalation. On the highest mountains where breathing is so greatly increased; this heat and water loss cannot be sustained for very long. Dehydration exaggerates the impacts of hypothermia and hypoxia. —Dr. Charles Houston, MD Why are these effects important, and what can we do about them? As the preceding quote attests, climbers (as well as other high altitude adventurers) risk hypothermia and hypoxia from the extreme cold, low humidity, and decreased air pressure. Furthermore, they risk impaired judgment and reflexes due to the effects of sleep apnea. All of these factors combined can greatly contribute to the danger involved in mountaineering or trekking. These symptoms are generally associated with or become very acute during sleep. However, technology has done little to improve sleeping environments for people at high altitude. Working in the University of Colorado at Boulder’s Biological Altitude Testing Laboratory, undergraduate David de la Garza and I developed a High Altitude Sleeping System called HASS. HASS is a lightweight, inexpensive, and easy‑to‑use device that can drastically reduce or even prevent many of the maladies noted above (especially when sleeping above 12,000 feet). Our goal was to research, design, and field‑test a working prototype of HASS that would alleviate these ailments by maintaining a sleeping climber’s lungs comfortably warm and hydrated while increasing her respiration rate throughout the night. How does HASS help with sleep? HASS is designed to reduce the overall stress placed on the human body while sleeping at high altitude.

Friday, January 17, 2020

Americans win the War of Independence Essay

Before the first shots were fired in the American War of Independence, very few people gave the Americans (also known as the ‘colonists’ or ‘patriots’) a chance. Britain had a population of 11 million compared to the patriots 2.5 million of whom 20% were slaves. Furthermore Britain had the most powerful navy in the world, an experienced and well-armed standing army of 48,000 men and the support of tens of thousands of loyalists and Indian tribes. Britain also held the economic advantage as they could rely on the profits from the South Atlantic system and the industrial revolution. So at the beginning of the war, an American victory seemed distinctly unlikely for American forces weak and British military and naval power enormous by comparison.[i] Foreign aid obtained by the colonists was extremely important in their victory. In 1776 France extended a secret loan to the colonies and supplied them with gunpowder. These loans of gunpowder were extremely important in enabling the patriots to defeat Britain in the Battle of Saratoga. In February 1778 France and America signed The Treaty of Alliance that stated once France entered the war against Britain, there would be no more treaties before the colonists gained liberty, sovereignty and independence.[ii] The treaty also opened both nations ports to the others commerce and guaranteed French possessions in the New World. Therefore this alliance was very important as it brought optimism and boosted the morale of the patriots. As one soldier from Pennsylvania said, â€Å"There has been a great change in this state since the news from France†. France gave money, supplies and in the last phase of the war, military force. France supplied most of the muskets, bayonets and canons used by the colonists and without French aid it is debatable if they could have won the war. For example at the Battle of Yorktown in 1781, 20 French war ships prevented Cornwallis’ escape and led to the surrender of the British force and the end of the war. Furthermore France’s participation in the war and Vergennes’ (French foreign  minister) influence was a big factor in persuading other countries to join the American war effort. In 1779 and 1780, both Spain and Holland respectively entered against Great Britain and soon after Catherine of Russia organised the League of Armed Neutrality which when threatened by Britain in the early 1780’s, responded by deterring British trade. So foreign aid was a very important factor in America’s victory as it is probable that they did not have the power to defeat the British on their own. The logistics of the war was a second major reason for the American’s victory. Britain encountered many logistical problems in the war which all contributed in some way to its defeat. Howe thought that driving the American army from the battlefield in any area would return that area to loyalty to the crown or at least neutrality. However this was not the case. Britain was only able to control areas that the military occupied so therefore when the army moved it had to abandon the area it previously occupied. As a result when a British force was defeated its only hope was to retreat to a fortified port and so if the navy was not there with its usual overwhelming power, the army would be in serious trouble, as exemplified with the Battle of Yorktown. Another logistical problem was that the British army could not expect supplies from any area it did not occupy and also the areas Britain did occupy were too small to provision the British army.[iii] Therefore they had to be dependent on supplies from Britain but even this was often a major problem as the obtaining of these supplies was held up administratively. The British Treasury and Admiralty did not co-operate with each other to make provisioning efficient or effective. For example in 1776 Admiralty agents insisted that army suppliers be licensed and applications accompanied by exact cargo manifests. Therefore, as ships were loaded at Cork and applications made in London, voyages could be delayed for weeks and sometimes months and as a result hampered the British war effort. Britain also suffered a number of transport problems that further complicated proceedings. In October and November 1775, 36 supply ships loaded with  hundreds of tons of food and supplies left Britain to make sure the 11,000 soldiers, sailors and marines in Boston would have a comfortable winter. However the ships witnessed some of the worst storms of the century and many sunk, were captured or fled towards the West Indies. In the end only 13 supply ships reached Boston by which time most of the food had gone bad.[iv] So therefore transport problems are another logistical problem that contributed to Britain’s defeat. Food that did reach America created another problem for the British, as there were no good means to store or distribute the food. Therefore the food often sat on the ships holding them up when they could have been used for battle or getting more supplies. Logistical problems also hit the British army directly as they could only operate freely as long as the supplies they could carry lasted. Therefore they had to move as soon as they ran out of supplies, even if it was not militarily expedient. So as the army was always moving it could not force an American army to battle, which created a big advantage for the colonists as they could decide when to fight.[v] So overall Britain had to deal with many distribution and communication problems and despite having more supplies than the enemy, because of the above problems this proved to be no advantage. A third major reason for the patriot’s victory revolved around the military strategy of both sides. On three notable occasions Britain made terrible mistakes in battle that contributed massively to their overall defeat. At the Battle of Bunker Hill in 1775, Britain went against all accepted military practice by attacking American forces on Breeds Hill, having to go up a steep and grassy hill in the open carrying sixty pound packs whilst the colonists were under cover. Of three British attacks, the colonists won two and Britain suffered a 50% loss of soldiers and didn’t make another offensive for fourteen months. On top of this, the battle seriously strengthened American morale and gave Washington over a year to build an army and prepare for the next battle. [vi] At the Battle of Long Island in 1776 Britain made a massive strategic error of not exploiting their success. The British army had marched unexpected straight into the rear of the colonists and quickly forced a retreat. Britain had thousands of fresh troops available and had the momentum but allowed the colonists to escape from Brooklyn to Manhattan by boat. Therefore Britain lost their best chance of destroying the Continental army, capturing Washington and winning the war.[vii] The final major military mistake by Britain was in 1777 when General Howe’s plan to attack Philadelphia instead of going to Albany to help Burgoyne backfired when the Continental Congress fled Philadelphia. Therefore Burgoyne had to send further supplies and troops to support Howe instead of using them on his way to Albany. Howe underestimated the colonist’s ability to evade the British and made a massive mistake because Burgoyne needed those troops, supplies and Howe’s help at the Battle of Saratoga. In complete contrast, the colonists displayed some excellent tactics and strategies at vital times that proved extremely important in their victory in the war. During the collective battles known as the Battle of Saratoga in 1777, at Fort Stanwix Britain were at first in control. However the patriots sent Hon Yost Schuyler to the fort and he promoted a superstition that caused the Indians to desert the fort and as a result caused the British to retreat to Oswego and abandon their siege. Therefore the great tactics at Fort Stanwix proved vital as the British were previously in a great position in the battle. At Bennington, the patriots played another great trick sending men disguised as loyalists to mingle with British troops. They went to the rear of the British army and when the patriots attacked they turned against the British. So again the great tactics shown by the Americans provided a massive victory and the British suffered huge casualties and loss of supplies that proved significant in the war. A final example of the great tactics used by the patriots was at Freemans  Farm, when American riflemen forced a retreat in the first British assault after shooting from the tops of trees and then in the second assault caused huge losses to Burgoynes army after being situated on a low hill.[viii] This battle carried extra significance as the victory brought an American alliance with France, which as explained before was crucial in the outcome of the war. However, whilst discussing military strategy it is also important to acknowledge the role played by the terrain as a factor for America’s victory. Britain found it difficult to cope with the many rivers and poor roads that they encountered and there were no large open fields where the cavalry could manoeuvre. It was rare to see Britain using whole regiments and disciplined fire across open ground. The territory thus prevented Britain from moving rapidly to surround rebels and from making the most of their superior discipline in formal lines of battle. So therefore Americans benefited from their own familiar terrain. As they did not have the fire discipline or military expertise and skills to fight formal battles, it was suited to their guerrilla warfare type battle techniques. Washington was also crucial to the shape and outcome of the war. By 1777 Washington had fought Howe five times and lost every one, however Washington never lost his army.[ix] He was a big stabilising force and from his militia experience, was excellent at managing an army and keeping it together. As a Southerner, Washington was also vital in bringing southern support into a war that originally was being fought mainly by New Englanders. However most importantly Washington’s tactics on two notable occasions were massive factors in the outcome of the war. First in 1776 at the Battle of Long Island, whilst in serious trouble, Washington enabled an escape for the colonists from Brooklyn to Manhattan by boat. In doing this, Washington prevented Britain’s best chance of winning the war. Secondly in Virginia in October 1781, Washington was influential in leading five thousand French and two thousand American troops across Pennsylvania into Virginia. Washington moved them so fast that Britain didn’t even know  of the Yorktown attack until it was too late. This piece of military mastermind by Washington soon led to a British surrender and subsequently signalled the end of the war. The fourth and possibly final major reason for the American’s victory revolved around the contrasting motivation and passion of the two sides. The patriots were always willing to continue fighting because they had a strong desire to win their independence and loved their homeland. On the other hand British soldiers were not fighting for a cause that directly affected them as they were in a country almost three thousand miles from home. Therefore as the war continued patriot fervour increased whereas British morale went down. In the colonies, the desire to fight the British was never in question. Before the outbreak of war Thomas Paine’s pamphlet ‘Common Sense’ was able to sway public sentiment in favour of complete independence and against King George’s tyranny. During the revolution Paine continued to stir up enthusiasm and patriotism in America with ‘The Crisis’ with comments such as, â€Å"Tyranny, like hell, is not easily conquered; yet we have this consolation with us, that the harder the conflict the more glorious the triumph†.[x] Therefore ‘The Crisis’ affected soldiers and civilians in all levels of society, increasing morale, confidence and belief. Paine marched with troops, understood them and kept them fighting under horrible circumstances. Thus, Paine played an important role in the patriot’s victory. Propaganda also played a big role in influencing public opinion. Anti-British cartoons were popular throughout the colonies and influenced the public. The inhumane treatment of American prisoners was a main topic of propaganda and there were many newspapers detailing atrocities by the British; for example, the fact that more prisoners of war died than were killed in action. Therefore the use of propaganda was very influential and turned many loyalists against the British. So overall in conclusion, I have identified four major reasons why the Americans won the War of Independence. Foreign aid from France was vital through their money, supplies and military force. France also helped bring Spain and Holland into the war and without them the colonists would have found it difficult to win. Secondly, Britain suffered many logistical problems including the obtaining and distributing of supplies and also communication problems. With regards to military strategy, Britain made a number of strategic errors and struggled to come to terms with the difficult terrain, whereas the colonists under the influential command of Washington made some excellent tactical decisions in battle. Finally the Americans displayed great motivation and passion to secure victory and independence and never lost their desire to fight. In contrast British soldiers were not directly affected whatever the result of war and this proved crucial. ——————————————————————————– [i] Bonwick, Colin. The American Revolution (Macmillan, 1991) 86 [ii] Henretta, James. America: A Concise History (St. Martin’s, 1999) 147 [iii] Bowler, Arthur. Logistics and the Failure of the British Army in America: 1775-1783 (Princeton, 1975) 239 [iv] Perret, Geoffrey. A Country Made by War (Vintage Books, 1990) 20 [v] Heller, Charles. America’s First Battles: 1776-1965 (Lawrence, 1986) 24 [vi] Perret, 15 [vii] Heller, 31 [viii] Perret, 42 [ix] Leckie, Robert. The Wars of America (Harper & Row, 1981) 179 [x] Perret, 34 Bibliography Bailyn, Bernard. The Ideological Origins of the American Revolution. Harvard College, 1967 Bonwick, Colin. The American Revolution. Macmillan, 1991 Bowler, Arthur. Logistics and the Failure of the British Army in America: 1775-1783. Princeton, 1975 Conway, Stephen. The War of American Independence 1775-1783. Arnold, 1995 Heller, Charles. America’s First Battles 1776-1965. Lawrence, 1986 Henretta, James. America: A Concise History. St. Martin’s, 1999 Leckie, Robert. The Wars of America. Harper & Row, 1981 Perret, Geoffrey. A Country Made by War. Vintage Books, 1990

Thursday, January 9, 2020

To Defend Free Speech Or Not - Free Essay Example

Sample details Pages: 6 Words: 1680 Downloads: 10 Date added: 2019/05/13 Category Law Essay Level High school Tags: Freedom of Speech Essay Did you like this example? University campuses are subject to debates across the country. Students are speaking out against racial injustice revealed in unwelcoming, sometimes hostile environments on college campuses. But to some, their demands have gone too far. Are the protestors silencing free speech, or are they just trying to be heard? And are the universities responding by defending free speech, or by suppressing it? This paper attempts to discuss these questions. Review of literature The freedom of speech has been defined by the New World Encyclopedia as the right to express oneself, either orally or in writing, without fear of governmental restraint or retribution. In the Unites States, this freedom is protected by the 1st Amendment to the Constitution, and is considered essential to the strength of the government. At the core of 1st Amendment concerns is the protection of expression that is critical of government policies. As with other civil liberties, the freedom of speech does not exist in a vacuum. Limitations of freedom of speech arise when it comes to the violation of the rights of others. Freedom of speech is not protected when it comes to expressions involving slander, harassment, obscenity, subversion, or criminal conduct (Funk Wagnalls, 2016). The concept of freedom of speech developed gradually due to societal problems of the Middle-Ages. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "To Defend Free Speech Or Not?" essay for you Create order For example, in England, freedom of speech emerged due to struggles for individual liberties and democratic government starting in the 16th century. In France, the Declaration of the Rights of Man and the Citizen was issued after the French Revolution in 1789 which included the right of freedom of speech to citizens. In the U.S., freedom of speech was included in the Constitution of the United States, starting with that of Virginia in 1776. It was abridged by congress in 1798 by the passage of the Alien and Sedition Acts which in which it was deemed illegal to stand-in opposition to the government. During the industrialization era, problems of free speech were connected with unionization. During World War I, academic freedom was impaired and the freedom of speech was abridged in cases of foreigners, labor organizers, pacifists, and radicals. In Europe, freedom of speech was abolished by the totalitarian governments of some countries. Freedom of speech regained strength with the Unive rsal Declaration of Human Rights in 1948 when it was declared as a fundamental right by the United Nations. Since then, the courts became protective of this concept (Funk Wagnalls, 2016). In 2014, two fraternity students were expelled from the University of Oklahoma after an online video was streamed showing them singing a racist song on a bus. The president of the university explained that the two students were expelled because of their leadership role in leading a racist and exclusionary chant which created a hostile educational environment for others. Several argue that the racist chant was protected under the Constitution (Papandrea, 2017). In 2017, Latino students at Cornell University complained to the school that fraternity brothers were heard shouting that they wanted a wall be built around the Latino Living Center on campus. The Latino students demanded an apology and that the fraternity undergo diversity training. They also asked that the school recognizes that there is an environment of discrimination on campus. The university expressed concerns about the incident but also recognized the right of open expression. A Latino student responded to the university statement by stating: Free speech is not speech that is aimed to hurt; free speech that dehumanizes is not free (Steinmetz, 2017). These two incidents catch a glimpse of what is happening on university campuses. Campuses across the country are divided as students and university personnel are trying to fight against discrimination while preserving freedom of speech. Censoring and even punishing students who engage in offensive speech is on the rise among universities (Papandrea, 2017). Universities are struggling more than ever to create a balance between adhering to the First Amendment as it applies to the freedom of speech while creating inclusive communities. The pressure to punish offensive speech increases as does the criticism to this pressure. With the development in technology, complications as to whether and when a university should or can punish students for their online offensive activities. Instead of appreciating the traditional role that the universities play in sharing and discussing ideas, students, alumni, and the public seem to think that whenever a college tolerates offensive speech, it is also endorsing these viewpoints (Papandrea, 2017). The Supreme Court has held that flag burning, public displays insulting American institutions, and published documents critical of America and the government, in particular, are constitutional exercises of free speech and that they are therefore protected from government-imposed limits. Also, the Supreme Court has held that so-called reasonable time, place and manner restrictions on free speech are constitutional. For example, keeping potentially violent protestors separated while they demonstrate at the same location is one of those vital constitutional limits a government can place on free speech. U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions shared that thirty-three percent of public universities have speech codes that constrict free speech . . . under the First Amendment. He warned schools and their leaders to ensure that freedom of expression be protected. As Sessions said, speech is under assault on college campuses. According to Sessions, those assaults are deemed unconstitutional (Youn g, T., 2017). Friedersdorf (2016) also shared that free speech is threatened on campus. He cited Professor Shaun Harper, head of the Center for the Study of Race and Equity in Education at the University of Pennsylvania who noted that there has been a significant increase in the demand for our campus climate work. Friedersdorf summarized examples of demands to punish speech on college campuses: The Wall Street Journal reported a survey of 800 college students that found 51 percent favored speech codes. Yale protestors formally asked the university to fire two professors in residence life because they were upset by an email one of them wrote. Amherst students called for a speech code sanctioning a student for making an All Lives Matter poster. Student activists at Duke asked for disciplinary sanctions for students who attend culturally insensitive parties, etc. At Emory, student activists asked that student evaluations include a field to report microaggressions to help ensure that there are repercu ssions or sanctions, and that the social network Yik Yak be banished from campus. Another narrow area of campus expression that is under threat: The formal speech. In 2015 alone, Robin Steinberg was disinvited from Harvards law school, and Suzanne Venker from Williams College. The rapper Big Sean was almost disinvited from Princeton at the request of students. Efforts are seen to censor speakers based on their viewpoints. Free speech on campus is threatened from a dozen directions. It is threatened by administrators, and students who are intolerant of disagreements in point of views. It is threatened by activists asking for speech codes and sanctions for professors or classmates who disagree with them. It is threatened by people who push to disinvite speakers because of their viewpoints and those who shut down events to prevent people from speaking. Although free speech advocates believe that viewpoints need to be heard before getting rejected, others say that if viewpoints invalidate the humanity of some people then restrictions should apply (Ulrich, 2017). While there is a recent focus on reducing/eliminating hate speech on campuses, first amendment advocates are accusing universities and colleges of being squeamish about exposing students to ideas that make them feel uncomfortable. In a poll published by William Buckley, 50% of students said they often felt intimidated to offer views that differ from their classmates or professors. Sixty-three percent of students said that they thought political correctness was a problem on campus, while 50% said they favor their school banning political cartoons on campus that criticize a particular religion or ethnicity. Ron Krotoszynki, professor of law at the University of Alabama shared that Universities need to secure an environment where it protects its core missions of teaching, learning and research, but at the same time, universities cant maintain that environment without regard to First Amendment rights (Madhani Yu, 2015). Discussion The university is the place where students should be challenged, and where everything they know should be put into question. Being subjected to controversial issues is essential for them to think critically. Experiences they face allows them to grow. Universities will not do students a favor by overprotecting them from the real world. It represents a transition stage into adulthood, where students start to analyze and take a stance about what is out-there, what is waiting for them after graduation. The university setting is a place where students from different backgrounds and values come together and learn from each other. The experiences they face allow them to question preconceptions they have and decide for themselves what to believe in and how to proceed in the face of social and controversial issues. The Supreme Court has supported freedom of speech as essential to the atmosphere of the college/university. Nonetheless, racist speech does do psychological harm to students who already are feeling oppressed. Alienation, depression, and anger are consequences of such speech. Millennials are being described as a generation of snowflakes, quick to melt like snow in the sun when challenged. Some argue that the university setting provides a safe space for victims of racism and/or oppression to fight back and educate others about their experiences and the harm that racism does in general. Other believe that victims will get more alienated thinking that the university is just another place supporting racism. So, what is the ethical thing to do and what should universities do in the face of these different point of views? Some universities have chosen to take action by generating codes of conduct and refuting speeches deemed to create hostility or intimidation towards minority students. Others created codes banning verbal assaults. The First Amendment does not deny the university the right to identify sanctions when it comes to usage of obscenity, abuse, or defamation. The confusion stands when it comes to defining these words as they apply to universities settings and managing tensions between eliminating racism and protecting students while also protecting their constitutional rights.